Intracom Group

The ceremony of announcing and awarding the decisions to appoint officers at Intracom (October 1, 2018)

At the ceremony, there is presence of Mr. Nguyen Thanh Viet – Chairman of the BoD, General Director of the Company; representatives of the Board of Managment, leaders of departments and all staff and employees of the Company.

The representatives of member companies and associates also participate in the ceremony, including the People’s Doctors – Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Thai Son – Director of Phuong Dong General Hospital; directors, deputy directors, deputy heads of departments of such companies and all staff and employees.

At the ceremony, Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Anh – the Chief of the Company’s Office announces the appointment decisions to 4 personnel with new titles as follows:

1. Mr. Le Duc Hung – Deputy General Director in charge of energy and operation of hydropower plants.

2. Ms. Nguyen Thi Lien – Director of real estate projects cum Head of Department of urban – housing investment project 1.

3. Ms. Pham Thi Hong Thuy – Head of Department of Marketing Communications.

4. Mr. Bui Vinh Cuu Long – Vice – Head of Department of Marketing Communications.

Mr. Le Duc Hung – Deputy General Director in charge of energy and operation of hydropower plants receives the appointment decision from the Chairman of BOD – General Director, Nguyen Thanh Viet.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Lien – Director of real estate projects cum Head of Department of urban – housing investment project 1; Ms. Pham Thi Hong Thuy – Head of Department of Marketing Communications; Mr. Bui Vinh Cuu Long – Vice-Head of Department of Marketing Communications receive the appointment decision.

They are the officers who have been working with the company for a long time, with great ability, experience and responsibility, and the Board of Management has trusted and assigned them greater responsibilities to become the main pillars in the company as well as the mirror that guides and encourages the subordinates at work.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Viet – the Chairman of the BOD – General Director of the Company shares some words with the appointed officers. The Chairman stresses that, the appointment of more leaders and establishment of additional departments means that the company is growing stronger and bigger, and hopes that with greater responsibility, these officers still keep their enthusiasm and passion in work and cooperate with the company in long time.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Viet – Chairman of the BOD – General Director of the company shares some words with the appointed officers.

The officers who have just been appointed read the oath, express their honor and awareness of their new responsibilities and promise to constantly improve their capacities and devote themselves to fulfilling their responsibilities and assigned tasks.

Hopefully, with the trust of the Board of Management and all staff and employees in the company, the newly appointed officers will be motivated to continue to accompany Intracom to step firmly on the turbulent market.





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