Intracom Group

Rehearsal of firefighting and rescue plans at Intracom Riverside Apartment in 2020

The rehearsal was held seriously, assuming many real situations, mobilizing the use of many firefighting means to improve fire fighting skills and the coordination in handling fire and rescue of many forces in Dong Anh District area about resolving large fires and complex rescues.

At the rehearsal, the Fire and Rescue Police force – Dong Anh district police and other functional forces in the district area such as Vinh Ngoc Commune Police, Military Headquarters, Transport Inspector, Electricity, Medical, Urban Environment, … and security, residents of the two Intracom Riverside apartment buildings together to control the fire, guide the residents to escape, plan to save property, transfer stuck people to a safe place.

The building security force and residents have quickly learned and participated well in the coordination of the handling process when a fire occurs as well as proficiently using the equipment used in fire protection.

The rehearsal of fire fighting and rescue plans at Intracom Riverside has a very important meaning in spreading and disseminating basic knowledge about fire fighting and raising awareness about fire prevention for residents. Furthermore, enhancing essential skills for residents at Intracom Riverside to protect themselves and their property, as well as handle fire and explosion situations.

At Intracom Riverside and all other buildings of Intracom, fire protection and electromechanical systems use modern equipment, high reliability, and following fire protection standards to ensure maximum safety for people. living and working in buildings.

Intracom expects that in the future, the Building Management Board and all residents of Intracom buildings will continue to raise awareness of fire prevention and rescue, always comply with and follow strict regulations on fire prevention and fighting. At the same time, they will continue to receive the attention and support of the functional forces in training and rehearsal of fire prevention and fighting plans to ensure safety in fire and explosion prevention.

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